About the I AM Initiaitve
About the
I AM Initiative
Knowing your status is the first step.
The goal is to raise awareness so people take action to get tested for HIV.

Testing is the only way to know if you have HIV. When you know your status, you can connect to support, care and treatment. And ways to prevent getting HIV.
I AM is informed–developed in collaboration with community groups, mentors, leaders, advocates and healthcare professionals–many who live with HIV and are thriving. These are the remarkable people who want to help others find their own path, managing their health and wellness, providing practical ways to help get them there.

Women's Health In Women's Hands

Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention

The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario

Communities, Alliances and Networks (CAAN)

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network

Healing Our Nations

MAP Centre For Urban Health Solutions

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research