Participating Programs
I AM initiatIve Participating Programs
Helping you find the support and services you choose, the way you choose: in-person, online or a phone convo.

Public Health Agency of Canada - Community Link
Community Link is a community-based initiative funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The initiative supports front-line community agencies across the country to provide low barrier access to HIV self-tests to reach the undiagnosed with HIV, and support people before, during and after they test with connections to prevention, care and treatment.

Ready to know
I’m Ready to Know is a national project featuring the I'm Ready Test app and I’m Ready, Talk website. The project supports low-barrier options for access to HIV self-testing. The I’m Ready, Talk website connects individuals to peer navigators who help with information about self-testing and as the individual chooses, can also help with finding resources for HIV care and prevention.
Our Healthbox
Our HealthBox is a 'smart', interactive dispensing machine that provides low barrier access to self-testing kits for HIV, and essential harm reduction and sexual health supplies, to reach individuals with complex health and social needs who may be living with HIV and don’t know it. Our HealthBox also provides health information, and a support services directory for people to find the health care they need – in their community.