Get an HIV self-test
Once you test, you choose the support and care options that are best for you.
Before you search for a self-test option, you may want to know....
The INSTI HIV Self-Test made by bioLytical Laboratories in British Columbia.
This is a screening test that is over 99% accurate and was approved and licensed by Health Canada in November 2020. The INSTI HIV self-test is currently the only self-test approved for use in Canada.
If you test positive (reactive result), it means that you likely have HIV but this needs to be confirmed with a laboratory-based confirmatory test. You will need to see your doctor or go to a health care provider for this confirmatory testing.
Yes, the test comes with instructions that are easy to follow. The test only takes a few minutes. This video will walk you through the process.
Use the search tool to find your best option to get a kit
DIY self-test app
HIV/AIDS Resource Program (HARP)
HARP offers an understanding, supportive environment with a wide range of prevention information and access to harm reduction materials.
PEERS Alliance
PEERS Alliance supports those living with and at risk for HIV, Hep C, and all sexually transmitted infections in PEI by offering a variety of programs and services targeted to diverse communities.
Christophe Augé and Patricia Tremblay Pharmacy
L'Arche de l'Estrie
L'ARCHE de l'Estrie pursues the mission of offering support and accompanying people living with HIV/AIDS in order to maintain a healthy quality of life.
R�ZO is a Montreal-based non-profit community organization that has been active since 1991 with gay or bisexual men, and men who have sex with men (MSM), whether cis or trans.
The principles that guide and direct the actions, activities and services of GAP-VIES are: Compassion, Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA), Social Justice and Solidarity.
BRAS Outaouais –Prevention and intervention in HIV and safe consumption– is a non-profit community organization that has existed since 1990. Its mission is to develop and promote community actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the population of the Outaouais in relation to HIV/AIDS.
Support and accompany people living with HIV-AIDS and their loved ones with a view to defending their rights, reducing harm and being able to act. Carry out awareness, prevention and education actions with at-risk clienteles and the general population.